
When we agree to believe in the truth and to follow it, and when we make an effort to become true disciples of Jesus Christ, we do not receive a certificate with a guarantee that we will not make mistakes, that we will not be tempted to walk away from the truth, that we will not be criticized, or even that we will not experience afflictions. But the knowledge of the truth teaches that when we enter the strait and narrow path that will take us back to the presence of Heavenly Father, there will always be a way to escape these problems (see 1 Corinthians 10:13); there will always be the possibility of doubting our doubts before doubting our faith (see Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Come, Join with Us,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 21); and finally, we have a guarantee that we will never be alone when we go through afflictions, for God visits His people in the midst of their afflictions (see Mosiah 24:14).

当我们同意相信真理并遵循真理时,当我们努力成为耶稣基督的真正门徒时,我们不会收到一份证明,保证我们不会犯错误,我们不会被诱惑离开真理,我们不会受到批评,甚至我们不会经历痛苦。但对真理的了解告诉我们,当我们进入海峡和狭窄的道路时,将带我们回到天父面前,总会有办法摆脱这些问题(见哥林多前书10:13);在怀疑我们的信仰之前,总有可能怀疑我们的怀疑(见Dieter F.Uchtdorf,“来吧,加入我们”,Ensign或Liahona,2013年11月21日);最后,我们保证,当我们经历苦难时,我们永远不会孤单,因为上帝在他们的苦难中拜访了他的子民(见摩24:14)